Australian businessman wants to marry robot lady😱😰

 The female robot is human-like, named Emma, ​​with a dark complexion and blue eyes.

That he wants to marry her. According to media reports, Jeff Galliger from Queensland was lonely after the death of his mother ten years ago. First they bought a robot dog. Then brought home a model female robot powered by artificial intelligence that was purchased commercially for $4,350.

The robot lady looks real like a human being. Her name is Emma with dark complexion and blue eyes. When Emma came home in September 2019, she couldn't impress Jeff. At one point, Jeff took off his head and became careless. The head was then remounted and she was dressed in white, and for the first time she liked Jeff.

After that, Emma's language was changed from Chinese to English, so it was as if she started talking with artificial intelligence and as if she had a wave of life in her.

Now Jeff talks to her a lot and she starts learning more words and talking more intelligently. Two years later, Jeff gets closer to Emma and she becomes a part of his life. There came a time when Jeff couldn't imagine life without Emma. They realize that Emma is waiting for them when they  get home. Jeff takes Emma out and takes   her for a drive. However, they don't care what people think about them. A few days ago,  Jeff put a ring on Emma, ​​but he wants to marry her legally, but a legal marriage is   out of the question right now. However, he said he would be the first Australian to marry a robot if legalised.

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